The paperless future is here.
Guaranty Income Life makes doing business simple and easy.
Once your client is ready, our user-friendly, intuitive e-App paves the way for you to submit and finalize a contract quickly.
The paperless future is here.
Guaranty Income Life makes doing business simple and easy.
Once your client is ready, our user-friendly, intuitive e-App paves the way for you to submit and finalize a contract quickly.
All Guaranty Rate Lock submissions have moved to 100% e-App on October 1.
Getting Started
To sell annuities at Guaranty Income, you must first complete the required Product Specific Training found at WealthChoice FIA Code: WCA19 Guaranty Rate Lock MYGA Code: GRL20
Benefits of eApps
Our e-App platform helps you work efficiently, delivering a better experience for you and your clients.

Faster and More Efficient
A streamlined and smart
application that reduces
redundant data entry
Provides a
electronic record
The ability to
conduct business
from anywhere
at any time

Learn how our time-saving wizards and tooltips streamline data collection to complete an application quickly and easily. For example, data that is repeated on multiple screens is prefilled after the first instance. Watch the video to learn more.
Discover how you can reduce NIGOs on transfers with the 1035YellowPages button and the ACORD 951e form, which deliver automation features to pull the correct ceding carrier information into 1035 exchange/transfer forms and help ensure e-signatures are captured correctly. Watch the video to learn more.
This quick and easy guide provides straightforward answers to commonly asked questions about our Annuity e-App.
How do I access Guaranty Income’s e-App portal?
To use our e-App, go to, where, to register, you will need your active agent number. To register, click sign in and select sign up now. Next, add your email address, and you will receive verification code in an email from Kuvare. Once you receive that email you may create your password and register by following the prompts for the needed information. You will need to elect whether you are a policyholder/advisor, IAR, Agency or RIA. Once you have access to the portal, click on the option to start an electronic application.
To sell annuities at Guaranty Income, you must first complete the required Product Specific Training found at
How do I save my application?
Your e-App is autosaved each time you change pages.
How do I continue working on an application that I started at another time?
To return to a previously started application, go to the agent portal and click on the start an e-App tab. The first screen you see will display your recent activity. You may continue to edit any application other than those showing as complete by simply clicking on that application.
How can I print a hard copy or download a pdf of a submitted application?
Return to the agent portal and click on the start an e-App tab. Find your client under recent activity and click on that submission. Click on other actions and then select display/print pdf. From there you can print or download as needed.
How do I upload a wet-signed form?
To upload a wet-signed form, go to other actions, click documents and then select the type of document you wish to upload, such as a wet-signed transfer form, POA, trust documents, etc. Click drag and drop file here, select the applicable wet-signed form from your computer, hit open and then use the upload button to attach the wet-signed form.
How can I add an additional beneficiary?
To add another beneficiary, go to the annuities’ beneficiary page. After adding the first beneficiary, our e-App will ask the number of additional beneficiaries you have. Your client may have 20 additional beneficiaries if needed.
How do I decline using e-signatures?
You may decline the use of e-signatures once you reach section 2 for signatures, when you will see a screen pop-up that allows you to decline e-signatures. If you select this option, you will be required to upload all wet-signed pages.
Should you decline e-signatures on just the transfer forms and proceed with e-signatures on the remaining paperwork, you may print the transfer forms, obtain wet signatures and upload them for transmission to our processing center with the rest of the application. If you do not upload the wet-signed transfer paperwork before submission, you will not be able to do so after submitting the e-App. Instead, you will need to fax or mail the paperwork to our processing center.
If you decline e-signatures entirely during the e-sign ceremony, the e-app will be submitted but it will be NIGO and cannot be processed until all paperwork and wet signatures are faxed or mailed to our processing center.
How do I e-sign a transfer form?
To e-sign using the ACORD 951e transfer form, use the >> CLICK HERE << Search Surrendering Carrier Contact Information button and complete the process steps. If not selected, it will automatically default to the wet-signed option.
How is a transfer form automatically uploaded?
A transfer form is automatically uploaded when you indicate a transfer or 1035 in the initial payment section of the application. In these instances, the new transfer form, Acord951e, is generated. If you have multiple transfers, indicate that the initial payment is from multiple sources; the payment method must be a transfer or 1035 on each transfer. Your client may have up to four transfers using this process. If there are more than four transfers, you will need to upload the transfer form manually using the other documents method.
How can I add optional forms in the e-App?
The three optional forms to choose from are found under the tab for application details. The optional forms include: out-of-state verification (when client signs outside of his or her state of residence), large case questionnaire (when transferring more than $1 million) and a spendthrift protection option (which limits how the beneficiary will receive funds upon the policy owner’s death). Check the appropriate button(s) to generate the pertinent form(s).
I cannot get to the signature section. I have completed everything but am cycling through fillable versions of the forms. How do I sign and submit my application?
In the upper left-hand corner click on the chevron. Here you will likely see an item in red that is in an error status. Once all errors are resolved, a continue button will appear in the upper right-hand corner.
Update Corner
Guaranty Rate Lock (GRL) MYGA Submissions
Effective October 1, 2024, all Guaranty Rate Lock (GRL) MYGA submissions must be submitted via e-App, whether through Guaranty Income’s e-App on the portal or using your firm’s own e-App instance.
These changes currently only impact Guaranty Rate Lock MYGAs. To begin using our e-App, see our getting started guide.
E-sign Accord Forms with Override Feature
We have made several improvements to our e-App, including a new feature that allows you to select the option to e-sign the ACORD 951e transfer/exchange form in either of these scenarios:
The surrendering carrier only accepts wet-signed transfer/exchange forms — with or without conditions.
The surrendering carrier information was manually entered.
This new override feature allows you to use e-signatures on the ACORD 951e form and submit the case. You may then move forward with fulfilling all other conditions for the application.
New Pop-Up Window When Voided Check is Needed
If a voided check is necessary to complete an application, our e-App now includes a pop-up window to remind you to upload a voided check, which may help avoid a NIGO.
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